The Guild Team Color #36648B Rank Unranked Cash 500 Points 500 This world does not thrive in black and white. In this reality, we live by one purpose, and that is to be alive. There is, however, another purpose that The Guild was made, and that is to bring down the Institution and the syndicates in league with the ZBC and the military. However much of a saint they are painted in the eyes of the people, Kael, the founding leader of The Guild knows that there lies a world of deception and shady business that has created an cycle of mistrust and compromise. The Guild is not your self-righteous band of people, for they are also like mercenaries in the way they operate and take missions of all sorts that lead to their goal. Of course, most of this are hidden from public view. To the ZBC League, they are but a team of mysterious pilots who goes about in aliases rather than their real names.
Founding Members:
Support (NPC)
Kaiser Mercenary-Bodyguard/ Homebase Owner | Dante Resident Mechanic/ Former Military | Xia Song Resident Physician/ Researcher |